Usually, when you think about mail carriers, you understand that you have your mail and packages delivered on weekdays but not on weekends. This is true in most scenarios for Federally owned mail services such as Canada Post and USPS. However, some shipment carriers deliver on Saturdays. For UPS, you can get your packages two days sooner – on a Saturday – for sometimes no extra cost
As it is formally known, UPS Weekend Home Delivery allows packages to be delivered on Saturdays to over 100 US Metro areas. It also, with a partnership with USPS, can deliver on Sundays.
You can learn more about Pluginhive’s UPS and Multi-Carrier shipping options that integrate easily with your Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, or other eCommerce platforms.
How do I have my UPS shipment delivered on Saturday?
If the package you are sending qualifies for Saturday delivery, the option will present itself to you as you fill out the shipment information on the UPS website.
If using the UPS My Choice Application, recipients can choose an alternative date for their package to be delivered, including Saturdays if eligible.
If picking up a package from a UPS Access Point (there are many located across the United States and in all major cities), packages can be picked up during operating hours, which typically offer longer weekend hours.
What kinds of packages does UPS deliver on Saturday?
If a package is destined for one of over 100 metro areas and is considered Ground with a delivery time of 1 to 3 days, then UPS will deliver on Saturday for no extra cost.
UPS will also offer commercial delivery and car pickup services when opted-in to certain areas.
Can I send Air or International packages to be delivered on a Saturday?
Air and International delivery services are provided on Saturdays when packages are eligible based on the requirements already existing within the air and international delivery options.
By offering delivery on Saturdays, businesses can ensure they can make it to their destination days early, gaining customer satisfaction and repeat buyers through an excellent shipping process.
Does UPS deliver on Sundays?
UPS has been steadily introducing Sunday delivery service in the United States through a partnership with USPS. Through 2019 and 2020, the country saw a huge increase in Sunday delivery, making it almost as popular for delivery times as Saturday. You can choose Sunday delivery as part of the UPS Weekend Home Delivery.
Does UPS deliver on Saturday in Canada?
UPS Canada does offer a Saturday delivery service; however, it is not free and is considered a value-added service. When choosing a shipment rate, you can find out how much it will be to have your package delivered on Saturday by calculating the time and cost of a shipment on their website.
On the UPS Canada Value-Added Services Page, UPS provides the standard cost of Saturday delivery within Canada, the US, or international destinations:
$23.00CAD per package
For free to countries where Saturday is a business day
UPS Worldwide Express Freight: $150CAD per shipment
You must use a Saturday Delivery sticker when shipping a package if you have paid to have the package delivered on a Saturday in Canada.
Some Saturday services are only available in the United States, so speak to your UPS representative to answer any other questions about weekend service.
What other mail couriers and shipping carriers deliver on weekends?
If you use multiple shipment carriers in addition to UPS, you may wonder if other carriers also provide weekend delivery services. Many other carriers also provide Saturday and weekend delivery, including FedEx.
It’s important to search the services and value add-ons provided for each carrier and their fees if any, so you can decide which shipment carriers to use for your small business.
Interested in integrating automated UPS shipping labels into your eCommerce website? Contact our customer support team today. We can’t wait to hear from you!