With this article, we’ll tell you why you should go for an automated WooCommerce Bookings plugin and the various benefits of using one on your website. Read along to know more.
The Need for an Automated WooCommerce Bookings Plugin
You may argue that you’re able to run an online business without any trouble and could very well avoid the hassle of going for a new bookings solution. Why not offer inquiries by listing the phone number online and just have the customers call for an appointment? Why do I need to spend money on a WooCommerce Bookings plugin and deal with something that is so complicated?Let’s go through some points mentioned in this post that may outweigh the convenience factor. Here are some benefits that an automated booking system likeWooCommerce Bookings and Appointmentscan get you instantly.
Accept WooCommerce Bookings 24/7
Your communication line is open 24/7 with a WooCommerce Bookings plugin since your booking portal is accessible to your customers all the time. The best thing is, you’ll allow you to put your customers comfort first by letting them book your service when it’s convenient for them.A large percentage of online bookings in major industries like Healthcare or Hotels happen during the late hours. As per research, people prefer to book during the late hours, mostly between 8.00 PM and 3.00 AM. You can read this article more more details, Hotel room booking with WooCommerce Bookings plugin. With increasing competition and services, you do not want to lose your prospects just because they cannot book when they like. In the past, you had no choice but to be available over the phone after hours or risk losing business. An automated WooCommerce bookings system can save you from these late hours work, and also make sure that your customers can reach you at all times. Also, you could save yourself from the administrative overheads.
No chance of human error
When it comes to taking bookings over emails or phones, there is always a chance of mistake, and then there are chances of double bookings and incorrect bookings. As perfect as your Administrator may seem to be, mistakes are unavoidable. These mistakes may seem very trivial but they could cost you your hard earned reputation. A small mistake in recording date by your administrator could cost you a client that you gained with so much work and dedication. Online Bookings can never go wrong with the bookings. The WooCommerce Bookings plugin not only works 24/7 but it also commits no mistakes. It offers you a consolidated view of all the bookings made on your website with sutble actions to manage them. With this booking solution, there are no double bookings or incorrect bookings. As a consequence, you’ll get help in building your reputation among your clients and thus, increase your business.
Reduced no-shows
The PluginHive WooCommerce Bookings plugin sends automatic booking reminders to your customers and helps them show up on time. With online bookings, your customers will be less likely to miss an appointment.In cases when customers do have to cancel or reschedule an appointment for genuine reasons, the time slot is immediately freed up for new bookings. This way, last-minute bookings can be easily filled, helping you use your time optimally. With online bookings, you get more appointments and reduced no-shows.
No distraction and more time with your customers
Taking scheduling calls in between your ongoing appointment is very distracting for you and at the same time, it’s very annoying to your customer. All your customers are busy and they like full attention when they pay for the appointment. It really does not give a good impression when you attend calls in between an appointment. With WooCommerce Bookings plugin, you can be completely focused on your ongoing service while the bookings system works for you in the background with 100% efficiency. You can concentrate on the tasks you do best and attend to your clients while the booking system takes all the bookings for you, reschedules the appointments and send the reminders to your clients.
More bookings means more revenue
An automated booking solution for your WooCommerce website is a very good investment for your business. It makes you free of all the worries with respect to the bookings and the mistakes that happen with it. With booking system, you focus more on the quality of your work and also the more important aspects of your business like marketing, advertisement, and finance. More focus on important aspects means more bookings and more business for you. Read more about the Benefits, Purposes, and Uses of a WooCommerce Bookings plugin.
An automated WooCommerce Bookings plugin has far more benefits to ignore than the convenience of just having the customers call your administrator for an appointment. It is an investment that any business should make in order to get peace of mind and more business. WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments is a very effective solution and suits all types of businesses like Spas, Hotels, Accommodations, Guest Houses, Rentals etc., So go ahead explore the WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin. If you need any help setting up bookings on your WooCommerce, feel free to Contact PluginHive Customer Support.
Good luck!