Add Purchase Order(PO), Invoice, Customer Reference, and Department numbers to your WooCommerce Shipping Labels

question and answer

The code facilitates you to add the purchase order, invoice, customer reference, and department numbers on shipment label.
Add the following custom code to your functions.php or anywhere relevant.

2 thoughts on “Add Purchase Order(PO), Invoice, Customer Reference, and Department numbers to your WooCommerce Shipping Labels

  1. rafe
    rafe says:

    Hi, could you got more detailed steps for this. I’m trying to follow your instructions but it’s not working as I need it to.


    • Veeresh
      Veeresh says:

      Hello Rafe,

      Please let us know what more details you are expecting from us.
      Please raise a request by contacting PlugiHive Customer Support: and explaining your issues.
      Our support team will help you in integrating the snippet.

      Thank you.

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