How to print the label correctly on a thermal printer?

Customer :

I am using a thermal printer and the Google Chrome browser. I can print the label, but it prints on four pages and is sideways. I cannot figure out the settings to make it print in the right dimensions and directions (landscape vs portrait) to the printer.

PluginHive Support :

You need to activate ZPL/EPL format to print label correctly in a thermal printer. For this, select ZPL or EPL as the option for the field “Print Label Type” in plugin settings.

label printing

Then try to print the label. For the right printing dimensions, you need to check the printer settings on your system.

Also, since you are using Chrome, you can check the print options of Chrome using ‘Ctrl + p’ on your keyboard. Then go to ‘More’ settings to configure printer settings correctly.

You can print a label using our plugin on the order page. Please find the quick steps to print a label below:

Once an order is placed on your store,

  1. Go to WooCommerce> Orders> select the order number.
  2. Select the required UPS service, for printing the label from the UPS Shipment Label box.
  3. Click Confirm Shipment button,  then accept the shipment.
  4. Now you will see a Print Label button.
  5. Click that, and you’re done!

4 thoughts on “How to print the label correctly on a thermal printer?

  1. mm
    Mike says:

    This doesn’t work with the latest drivers from UPS. I can print fine if I generate the label through but if I use this, no matter if I have ZPL or EPL selected, all it tries to do is download the file and then you can’t open it.

    • Anindo says:

      Hi Mike,

      The plugin allows you to download the file into your system. As of now, it does not have a mechanism to outright set a print instruction. However, to print the ZPL file, the Printer should be able to detect the ZPL/EPL formats and print it. You can check with the printer support team on how to print ZPL labels. If you face any problem, we are here to help.

  2. Anindo says:

    Hi Edward,

    Please make sure you download and install the correct version of the printer driver for the thermal printer, Once driver is installed you should be able to open the zpl/epl format without issues. For getting the correct driver please check in UPS site or you can contact them directly as well.

    Team Xadapter

  3. Edward
    Edward says:

    This does not work for me.

    I am using Firefox and when the label is created it wants to download the .zpl or .epl file and try to display it using one of Window’s applications, of which there isn’t one on my computer to display either of those file types.

    What am I doing wrong? This is the function I purchased the plugin for…

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