WooCommerce Shipping Pro- Chapter 6: Per Shipping Class

In this article, we will tell you how you can set the shipping cost for each country and the shipping class present when using the WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping Pro Plugin. Read below to know more.

Would like to set the shipping cost for each country and the shipping class. Is this Possible?

Absolutely Yes.

Prerequisite for Such Business Cases:

The calculation Mode must be set to Calculate Shipping Per Shipping Class, as shown in the image below.


Detailed business case:

Shipping cost for Class “gaskets”:

  • Australia:$11.00
  • USA:$24.00
  • Europe:$28.00

Shipping cost for Class “Carb spacer”:

  • Australia:$22.00
  • USA:$41.00
  • Europe:$47.00

Shipping cost for Class “rocker cover small”:

  • Australia:$28.00
  • USA:$88.00
  • Europe:$94.00

Shipping cost for Class “intake”:

  • Australia:$44.00
  • USA:$92.00
  • Europe:$115.00

Pretty easy to set up with shipping pro. Here you go:

Shipping Rules1 (2)

Cart with all products shipping to Australia:


Cart with all products shipping to the USA:


Cart with all products shipping to Europe:


Business case: I have a shop that sells both products that can be sent and products that must be picked up at the store.

More info: Create a shipping class “Pick up at the store”, and apply this shipping class to the products that cannot be sent – create a shipping class “DHL”, and apply this shipping class to the products that can be sent.

  • When a customer buys just “sendable” products, he will be able to choose between “Pick up at the store” (free) and “DHL”
  • When a customer buys both “sendable” products AND “not sendable”, the only shipping option will be “Pick up at the store”.
  • When a customer buys just “not sendable” products, the only shipping option will be “Pick up at the store”.

Is this doable with your plugin?
Absolutely possible see the Settings screen below:

Plugin admin setting

When a customer buys just “sendable” products:


When a customer buys both “sendable” products AND “not sendable”:


Business case: Different shipping costs for Products A and B and or C, Also shipping costs vary depending on the number or the costs of the product. Can this plugin handle these scenarios?

  • Product A: shipping for small = 30% of small total PLUS shipping for large = 25% of large total
  • Product B If total <= $67, then shipping = $12 else if shipping > 67 <= 900 then shipping = 18% of total else shipping is FREE (>$900)
  • Product C shipping is $300 per product plus a flat fee of $40

Yes, it is possible to define shipping costs for product categories/shipping classes individually and sum all the costs to calculate the total cost. Check the settings below:

Plugin admin setting (2)

Check out WooCommerce Shipping Pro with Table Rate Plugin page