Coupon Behavior During Calculation of Shipping Charges


In this guide, we are going how to monitor and modify your coupon behavior during shipping charges calculation. We will look into a few proven ways to define shipping rules with WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping plugin in achieving your business case.

As a small business owner, one needs to find ways to reduce extra charges in various process flows of the business. In order to stay relevant and competitive, the shop owner checks his or her shipping charges and taxes regularly.

This way they can be sure that there are no loopholes that may come back to haunt him at the end of the year (while accounting for the financial year). One such problem was reported by Randy:

Randy Bright

This was a good start for Randy as he was able to trace the problem. In many cases, shopowners find it difficult to locate this kind of error as they already have a pre-defined set of tested rules for shipping.

So usually, suspecting this as the problem is a commendable job. Now, in order to solve this, you need to check whether your existing WooCommerce shipping plugin offers rates based on the sub-total or the order total. Many plugins only offer rates based on the total amount. However, the WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping Pro plugin offers rates on sub-total as well.

So now, let us go back to the problem statement and then move on to the solution:

Problem: Hello. I have a question about amount based shipping. I have 2 different amounts for shipping based on the dollar amount of the products purchased. If I apply a coupon, the shipping then calculates based on the new dollar amount after the coupon is applied. Is there a way to keep the shipping cost the same as if the coupon were not applied? Cause this can cost extra money on my end for shipping charges. Thanks.

WooCommerce table rate shipping pro

Solution: Install the WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping Pro in your WooCommerce Store. Suppose you have shipping charges configured based on order amount in your shop like this :

In order to get the charges based on order amount, you should make sure that the calculation mode is selected as “Calculate Shipping per Order” as shown in the screenshot below:

Calculate shipping per order

Once this is done, along with the addon, it will enable the calculation of rates based on sub-total.
We made a 70% discount coupon to test the scenario:

Coupon discount
Before using the coupon, when two products are in the cart, the shipping charge comes up as $7: Before using the coupon, when two products are in the cart, the shipping charge comes up as $7
On applying the coupon, the shipping charges appear the same. This is because these charges are calculated on order Sub-total : On applying the coupon, the shipping charges appear the same. This is because these charges are calculated on order Sub-total

The Other Way:

If it were to be calculated based on order total and not sub-total, then the shipping charge would have been $5.5 as shown in the screenshot : If it were to be calculated based on order total and not sub-total, then the shipping charge would have been $5.5 as shown in the screenshotConclusion

Hence, one can see that, using the plugin, you can configure the shipping charges both ways. You can always drop in a query in the comment section (if you have any).

We hope this article would have helped you in some way. Learn more about WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping plugin if you have to set up shipping methods on your WooCommerce store. If you have any doubts regarding the same then feel free to contact our customer support.