Select a shipping method based on the total weight of the cart, USPS for under 10 LBS and UPS for the rest


Most of the WooCommerce store owners, having small businesses prefer to work with a single shipping carrier. However, in the case of large business owners, they may be using more than one shipping carrier together. This scenario may lead to some complex shipping cases. In this article, we will be discussing one of the shipping scenarios that may arise in the case of multiple shipping carriers. According to Todd, a WooCommerce store owner who uses multiple shipping carriers, “…I need to be able to select a shipping method based on the total weight of the cart. For example: If the weight of the products in the cart is over 10lb, UPS (real-time rates) is available. If the weight of the products in the cart is under 10lb, only USPS (real-time rates) are available. Can this plugin do this..? Thanks.

Shipping Carriers based on Weight

The WooCommerce Multi-Carrier Shipping plugin not only allows WooCommerce store owners to use multiple shipping carriers but also allows them to define shipping rules for themselves. Using this plugin you can easily set up a weight-based shipping scenario, where the shipping rates will be displayed based on the total weight of the cart. The image below shows the shipping rules that you can configure in the plugin settings.

Weight based shipping rule
Weight-based shipping rule

It is clear from this image that, when the total weight of the cart is under 10 lbs, only USPS Priority Shipping must be enabled. And similarly, when the total weight reaches 10 lbs or more, only Standard UPS Shipping must be enabled.


So this article covers the WooCommerce Multi-Carrier Shipping plugin. This article shows how you can configure shipping rules in the plugin settings. This way you can configure which shipping options will be available to customers on the cart page, based on the total weight of all the products added to the cart.

If you have any suggestions regarding the article, feel free to share your views in the comment section below. We have also attached some details about the plugin that we discussed in this article.

About the plugin

WooCommerce Multi-Carrier Shipping plugin

  • Get real-time accurate shipping rates
  • Supports UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS, and Stamps USPS
  • Provide discounts on shipping cost
  • Table Rate/Conditional Shipping Rules
  • Premium Version Cost – $89