Shipping Rates Calculator : Get Rates from Multiple Carriers with Multiple Services

In this article, we will show you how you can display shipping rates from multiple shipping carriers for different shipping services using WooCommerce Multi-Carrier Shipping plugin.

The Problem

It is very difficult to decide which shipping carrier service to use for our business or personal needs. All carriers have different charges for different services and package weights. To find the best rate among all these carriers, we have to go to every carrier’s website and check their rating tool and compare the results. But is it easy? Definitely not! Instead of going to every carrier’s website and fill out their lengthy forms to get rates and then compare, what if we have an easy solution that presents all these rates in one place? Read on.

The Solution

The easiest way of getting multiple service rates for multiple carriers instantly with just one click is finally here.

The Estimated Shipping Rates Tool will help you get rates from popular carriers such as FedEx, UPS, USPS,, and DHL.

And the GOOD NEWS is that it is absolutely FREE!

Now let’s see how to get it to work:

  • Step 1:

    Select Origin => “Country” , “State/Province” ,”Zip/Postal code”

set origin country
  • Step 2:

    Select Destination => “Country” , “State/Province” ,”Zip/Postal code”

select the destination

If the destination address is residential, tick the checkbox to get the correct rate.   residential address

  • Step 3:

    Enter the weight of one package and count of such packages you want to get the rate for.

package weight and number of packages
  • Step4(Final Step):

    Just select the service for which you want to get rates.

choose the shipping service

After selecting the required shipping carriers just clickget rates from server button and that’s all. You will get rates from all carriers within seconds!

The image below shows the list of rates for different services and carriers:

multiple shipping services

Happy Shipping!