WooCommerce Bookings Confirmation & Payment on Approval

Some businesses require that the bookings are not placed and paid for by the customers right away and need to go through approval. The admin approves or rejects the booking and the customer pays for the booking only if the booking is approved. This WooCommerce Bookings confirmation scenario is handled well by the WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin.

Enable Confirmation for WooCommerce Bookable Products

In order to set the desired booking product as requiring approval, visit Product settings > Bookings > Enable the “Requires Confirmation” option, as shown below.


WooCommerce Bookings Confirmation Request by Customers

  • For requesting a booking the customers can select a date/time in the calendar and click on “Book Now”

  • “Booking product has been added to the cart” message will be displayed along with a link to “View Cart

* For changing the View Cart message that is displayed refer: FAQ
* In order to skip this step and allow the user to go to cart/checkout directly after clicking ‘Book Now’ button : Refer: FAQ

  • Customers can proceed to the cart by clicking on “View Cart”

  • They can review the booking details and proceed to checkout.
  • Once the customers fill in the required checkout details, they can click on “Request Confirmation“.

  • With this, the booking request is complete and the customer is presented with an Order Received page. The order details are displayed with the Booking status as “Requires Confirmation” and the payment method as “Payment on Confirmation“, as shown below.

  • The plugin will also send an email to the customers as shown below :

Confirm WooCommerce Bookings from Dashboard

  • Visit > Bookings > All Bookings 
  • Confirm the desired bookings under Bulk Actions > Confirm Booking > Apply

WooCommerce Bookings Payment

  • After the admin approves the booking request, the customers will receive the below email with a payment link for the booking

  • On clicking the payment link in the email, the customers will be taken to the My Accounts > My Orders page where the payment method is displayed

  • Once the payment is made, the slot is blocked for the customer and the booking is completed.