WooCommerce Bookings Add-ons – Customise Maximum Bookings Per Slot

In this article, you will learn how you can set a particular number of bookings for a single bookable block with the help of the WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments Plugin and an addon. Read along to know more. 

Customize Maximum Bookings Per Slot addon

The WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin has a setting for you to specify how many bookings you can accept for a particular day or a time slot.

The Customize Maximum Bookings per slot addon gives store owners additional flexibility to specify the number of bookings they want to accept for different slots based on criteria. This add-on allows you to set up maximum bookings that can be placed for a single block based on a custom date range, range of months, and range of days.


  • WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments Plugin version 1.8.1 and above
  • Customize Maximum Bookings Per slot add-on
  • Please note that this add-on is NOT compatible with the WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments Premium plugin’s Asset functionality. Hence, the addon will not work for bookable products utilizing this functionality.

How to set it up?

  1. Download, install, and activate the Customise Maximum Bookings Per slot add-on in your WooCommerce store
  2. Setup the add-on rules by providing the following details
  • Product Name
    Here you can select the bookable products for which you want to set up maximum bookings for a slot
  • Time Range type
    Select the bookings date filter
  • From & To
    Set the From and To bookings time range
  • Maximum Bookings Count
    Set the maximum bookings that will be acceptable for the product
max bookings per slot

3. Save the settings and you are good to go
4. The maximum number of bookings for any other date/time range is 2 as shown below

max booking per block
bookings calendar with maximum bookable slots as 2

5. However, the maximum number of bookings for the date/time range set in the add-on is 10 as shown below

bookings calendar with maximum bookable slots as 10

Final Thoughts

The WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin is a one-stop booking solution for WooCommerce store owners. The plugin supports multiple booking scenarios and additional customized solutions as discussed in this article.

If you have any queries based on the plugins discussed above, or you have a complex booking scenario, feel free to contact our Contact PluginHive Customer Support. We will try our best to help you find a solution and set up your online WooCommerce store.