Advanced Add-Ons to Extend WooCommerce Bookings and Appointment Plugin’s Functionality


This article provides you with the list of supported add-on plugins for WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin. It also contains instructions on how to use these add-ons along with a real-world business scenario to help you use extended WooCommerce Bookings features.

List of Available Add-ons

The add-on plugins supported for WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin are:

Bookings Participant Groups Add-on

What does it do?

This add-on plugin allows you to set up a participant group based on an existing participant. Then you can assign the number of group members to that group. The group member count will determine how many slots that particular participant will take while placing a booking.


Read More — How to create Groups of People/Teams/Family

Customize Minimum Booking Slots Add-on

What does it do?

This add-on plugin provides added flexibility when it comes to setting up the minimum slots that a customer has to book for a particular product. The plugin allows you to set custom minimum bookable slots for every product, based on the following time range.

  • Range of Days
    You can set up custom Minimum Bookable Slots for different days of the week
  • Range of Months
    You can set up custom Minimum Bookable Slots for different months of the year
  • Custom Date Range
    You can set up custom Minimum Bookable Slots between two calendar dates


Read More — How to set Minimum/Maximum Booking Duration based on Date

Availability Search Widget Add-on

What does it do?

This plugin introduces a widget on your website that customers can use to search for a suitable product within a specific date range. The add-on allows customers to enter a date range (From and To Date) and search for all the available products for that range. The plugin then lists all available products and customers can choose to book any one of those products.

*Note: The Widget will be available on the Website Home Page and Shop Page only


Read More — How to set up Booking Availability Search Widget?

Participants-based Discount Add-on

What does it do?

This plugin allows you to provide a conditional discount on a participant based on the number of other participants selected by the customer on the cart page.


Read More — How to set up Conditional Discount based on Participants?

PluginHive Custom Booking Interval Add-on

What does it do?

This add-on is available as a custom solution (paid) and is used in business scenarios where customers are required to select from multiple booking intervals. Using this add-on you will be able to set custom booking intervals for your bookable products based on your preferences.


Read More — How to set up Custom Booking Interval?

Booking Cost Adjustment Add-on

What does it do?

The Bookings Cost Adjustment Add-on allows users to adjust Booking Costs for Bookable Products based on the desired booking duration and slots selected by the customer on the calendar.

Pre-requisites for the setup:

Read More – How to set up Booking Cost Adjustment add-on?

PluginHive Recurring Bookings for WooCommerce Add-on

What does it do?

This plugin allows you to provide a recurrent bookings option along with the WooCommerce Bookings & Appointment plugin. This way the customers can place bookings and specify the interval after which the bookings need to happen again.

The plugin along with the PluginHive’s Bookings plugin for WooCommerce is useful in scenarios like,

  • Recurring Online Class Booking
  • Online Subscription
  • Online Course Booking


Read More – How to set up Recurring Bookings on your WooCommerce store?

Final Thoughts

WooCommerce Bookings and Appointments plugin is a one-stop bookings solution when it comes to WooCommerce store owners. The plugin supports multiple booking scenarios and additional customized solutions which are discussed in this article.

If you have any queries based on the plugins discussed above, or you have a complex booking scenario, feel free to Contact the PluginHive Support Team. We will try our best to help you find a solution and set up your online WooCommerce store.